Introducing Stylelife Girl: Christina

In this installment, our boot camp coach extraordinaire Evolve spoke to Christina about interacting with female bartenders, about dream dates, and stories of oral sex gone terribly wrong.Christina is a Chicago native who met Evolve and The Sneak during their world tour travels. She’s been working in the bar and club industry since she was 18-years-old. Stylelife: So you’re currently … Read More

Unlock Your Critical Mind

What if I gave you a technique to free yourself from the part of you mind that holds you back when you practice? Would you try it? Mastering the Social Matrix can be a painful journey; one that requires facing rejection. Each rejection holds the possibility of sending you spiraling into self-doubt; causing you to quit practicing.  For most of … Read More

How to Polish Your Cold Approaches and Start Comfortable Conversations

The first step in a cold approach is opening. To do that we use openers, techniques that allow us to start a comfortable conversation with a person or group. With practice they become a fantastic method for initiating an interaction, but what happens next? What do you do after you start a conversation? You try to reach the hook point. … Read More

No Risk of Flaking: Setting Up The Date

A lot of guys can get phone numbers, but numbers aren’t dates. So unless that number sticks and you end up meeting in person again – the digits are meaningless. What’s going to separate you from those guys is this one unique way of setting up a date, while simultaneously conveying your identity.  It’s a technique called seeding.   Seeding works … Read More

Perfecting Your Practice: Four Mistakes Every Student Makes

Practicing without focus. Seduction is a skill. Like any skill-set there are drills and techniques that help you learn the universal principles of the art form. One of the most common bad situations guys run into to us unfocused practice. Learning any skill is a step-by-step process, you can’t learn it all in one night. Choose some material you like … Read More

Building a seductive body

If you think looks don’t matter when it comes to seduction – you’re wrong. They matter. How could they not? It would be pretty foolish of us to think that women aren’t attracted to physically attractive guys. That said, I want to ask you this: Are you doing anything to improve your looks? As coaches, The Sneak and I focus … Read More

Stylelife Girl: Mary

This month, we turn to Mary, an artist and photographer who has traveled widely and was educated in Ireland. Stylelife dispatched our man Evolve to learn about what gets Mary’s attention, what causes her to put a man in friend zone, and how polished diction and vocal control can be incredibly sexy attributes. Stylelife: What is it about the person … Read More

Spice Up Your Interactions with the Love Reading Routine

The term cold reading is defined by Wikipedia as, ‘a technique used to convince another person that the reader knows much more about a subject than he actually does.’ There are several methods that a social artist can implement to cold read a woman in the field. The easiest method, and the one requiring the least amount of tools or … Read More

Avoid These 4 Mindsets to Improve Your Social Success

You know how there is that break-up cliche that says, “It’s not you, it’s me”? Most of the time, that’s nonsense. But in some instances with dating, the problem is, indeed you. If you’re not getting the social results you want, examine your mindset and attitudes to see if you’re falling into any of these 4 negative frames of references. … Read More

Change Up the Conversation with The Switch Technique

Beautiful women are subjected to the same conversations over and over again. An unimaginative discussion follows well-worn paths of social convention. Most of those pathways are based on agreeing with whatever the woman says. Here’s an example of a traditional interaction. Her: I love rock music. Him: I do to! Aren’t the Eagles of Death Metal great? In this passage, … Read More