Neil Strauss – The Game Has Changed

Letter to the PUA Community           From The Desk of Neil Strauss Malibu, California Thursday January 28, 2016 From The Desk of Neil Strauss, Almost ten years ago, after reading The Game, a brilliant programmer living in San Francisco contacted me and asked if I was interested in helping people who’d read the book. I met … Read More

Dig Up Your Own Dirt

In interviews, journalists frequently ask me why I chose to work with this celebrity or that musician. The fact is that I’ve received scores more offers to ghost-write books than I’ve accepted. Many of these offers have been from artists and celebrities I greatly admired. And my decision to work with someone has usually come down to one question: Are … Read More

So Easy My Mother Could Do It

So, my mother has been asking random strangers whether they floss before they brush. Like dozens of them. And so far, no one has “busted” her on it, even though this opener has been all over television, in books, and on the Internet. It’s funny because she really wants to know the answer. She’s been asking waitresses, neighbors, and even … Read More

Be The Storyteller: Making Words Your Stock and Trade

Dear Stylelifers, I was flipping channels late one night and came across one of the most useful movies you can watch to improve your storytelling skills. And not just that, this classic old movie will help you realize that so many of the qualities you used to hide are actually the traits you should emphasize. Those traits will establish you … Read More