Sexual Consent: What you should have learned in Health Class

What is Appropriate Sexual Consent? Rule 1: Only an enthusiastic yes means yes. Everything else is no. Consent means hearing the word “yes.” Silence isn’t consent. “Maybe” isn’t consent. “I guess so” isn’t consent and if you hear no, you stop whatever you are doing. Rule 2: Talk about it. Don’t make assumptions about what someone is comfortable with in … Read More

Introducing Stylelife Girl: April O’neil

This time, The Sneak spoke to April, a popular model, performer, and unrepentant geek. She was born in Phoenix, Arizona and has lived in Los Angeles, California since 2007. Her passion for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Dr. Who is well-documented and a driving creative force in her life. Stylelife: What’s the most common way that a guy hits … Read More

Dipping The Pen In The Company Ink: Dating Classmates And Coworkers

What do you do if you want to get romantic with someone you run into on a regular basis, like a co-worker or a classmate?  1. Be patient If you’re going to try and get romantic with someone you see regularly, then take your time. Remember, you’re going to see them regularly. That means you don’t have to do everything … Read More

Introducing Stylelife Girl: Christina

In this installment, our boot camp coach extraordinaire Evolve spoke to Christina about interacting with female bartenders, about dream dates, and stories of oral sex gone terribly wrong.Christina is a Chicago native who met Evolve and The Sneak during their world tour travels. She’s been working in the bar and club industry since she was 18-years-old. Stylelife: So you’re currently … Read More

Crappy Car, Awful Job, Great Seducer

Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to attract romantic partners if you don’t have much money? It certainly is. Let’s examine some of the most common worries one at a time: IF YOU THINK YOUR JOB SUCKS Every job in this world serves an important purpose. In my life, before I taught seduction, I cleaned toilets. It’s not glamorous, but if nobody had that … Read More

Stylelife Girl Interview: Tracy

Each month, Stylelife seeks out high caliber, attractive, intelligent, and articulate women to interview. Our goal is to provide insights into the female mind. Insights that you can actually use to improve your interactions with women. We strive to go beyond the simple, un-helpful “I want a guy who makes me laugh” or “Be confident” that litter so much of … Read More

Your Biggest Seduction Obstacles

What’s your biggest enemy when it comes to meeting women? Think about it for a second before you answer, then list what you think the top three obstacles in your way are. Whatever you wrote down is close, but no cigar. In fact, your biggest sticking point isn’t anything that you listed, but it’s related; Your biggest sticking point are … Read More

Stylelife Girl: Jahmelia

This time around, we sent Mojofist to chat with Jahmelia, a yoga instructor with a very diverse background and a strong passion for self-improvement, growth, and challenge. While our conversations usually stick pretty closely to the dating topic, with a varied and diverse person like Jahmelia, we found the chat ranging to overall life habits and philosophies, which is always … Read More

Perfecting Your Practice: Four Mistakes Every Student Makes

Practicing without focus. Seduction is a skill. Like any skill-set there are drills and techniques that help you learn the universal principles of the art form. One of the most common bad situations guys run into to us unfocused practice. Learning any skill is a step-by-step process, you can’t learn it all in one night. Choose some material you like … Read More

Building a seductive body

If you think looks don’t matter when it comes to seduction – you’re wrong. They matter. How could they not? It would be pretty foolish of us to think that women aren’t attracted to physically attractive guys. That said, I want to ask you this: Are you doing anything to improve your looks? As coaches, The Sneak and I focus … Read More