5 Date Ideas without Leaving the House

To keep your relationship fresh, it’s important that you and your wife or long-term girlfriend spend romantic time together. This seems easy when you first meet. But as work, children, and budget constraints come into play, life can seem like it’s getting in the way. Often, it feels more and more difficult to actually date the person you are dating.

So here are 5 ideas for dates you can accomplish without leaving home. With just a little planning, you can have a great night out, in.

As always, these ideas are to get you started. As you become more confident, you should be creating your own unique date ideas.

5 Dates without Leaving Home

Nude Dining: Yeah, that’s right. Once the kids are safely shuffled off to Grandma’s, its time to take off your clothing and put on your birthday suits as a little pre-dinner appetizer. Tell your lady that you have a surprise for her, smiling as you slowly undress her. She will think you’re leading to a sexual encounter, and you are in a way, but not what she expects.
Smile, then pull out two aprons. One for you, and one for her. Then head to the kitchen.

You don’t have to be an Iron Chef or gourmet for this evening. This isn’t about five star cuisine. It’s about being adventurous in the way you spend time with your girlfriend. A frozen pizza or microwaved dinner is perfectly fine, as long as you cook it together.

Then, after dinner, then you can have dessert…

Stargazing with Your Sweetie: This is an inexpensive and fun way to spend an evening that’s different than the usual diet of American Idol and Real Housewives re-runs.

Download an astronomy app on your smart phone and refresh your memory from high school about Orion and the Big Dipper.
Then, set up the backyard or rooftop patio with some lawn chairs and a few beverages of your choice.

But the kids to bed and take your wife by the hand. Lead her into the backyard and say, “Tonight we’re just staring up at the stars. That’s it.”

Point out Orion and the Big Dipper from your refresher course and then use the astronomy app with your sweetie to discover new stars together. You’re both learning something and sharing an activity.

It is vitally important that you turn off your ringer! Although you’re using a cellphone for the astronomy knowledge, your quiet night shouldn’t be interrupted by a telemarketer!

And don’t forget to hold her hand as you look at the stars.

Drive-In Theater: Pull your car into the driveway for a night of Americana at the drive-in. You probably have one of those old 8 mm film projectors lying around (if you don’t you can pick one up cheap on eBay). Grab an extension cord and some old home movies and set it to project on the garage door. Ease the car seat back and start the show. The best part is that it doesn’t even matter what movie’s playing—the windshield will likely be so steamed up you’ll hardly watch anyway.

An alternative, although less nostalgic method is to set your laptop on the dashboard and stream a movie on your wireless connection.

Remember, you’re not after a great film experience here. You’re after a great date experience. So the technology and the movie isn’t as important as the time you spend together.

Rooftop Dining: This one isn’t for the faint of heart but it is sure to give you some perspective (as well as providing any nosy neighbors with something to talk about).

What you need: a picnic basket, food that can be eaten with your hands (utensils may be dangerous at altitude), a rope (to raise and secure said picnic basket), a blanket and a ladder.

Oh, you’ll also need your partner if you can talk her into it (sadly, one person does not a date make). Simply smile, laugh, and say you’re taking her to the highest restaurant in the neighborhood. Lead her to the backyard, and start climbing onto your roof.
Once you’ve (carefully) laid your blanket down, sit back with your sweetie and enjoy a nice, simple meal together. Rooftop dining on your own rooftop takes eating out to a whole new level.

Avoid alcohol though, as getting tipsy while up on the roof may be hazardous to your health.

Spa Time: Spa time is all about her but, as is often the case, the rewards may come back to you twofold later. As with dining naked, spa time ideally requires an empty house. If you have kids, beg the grandparents to take them for the night and prepare to pamper your partner.

Set out candles (lots and lots of candles) in the bedroom and around the master bath. Put on some romantic music that you both enjoy.

Remove her clothing…slowly and lay her on the bed face down. Break out some massage oil and get rubbing.

Periodically check in—in a soft voice—to make sure she’s feeling very, very relaxed. It’s important to remember that this massage is not necessarily sexual and it’s not in any way about you. Keep your clothes on for now. Don’t initiate anything sexy (although if she does, then go right ahead…) and keep the focus on relaxing her.

When you’re finished with the massage, let her coo for a bit while you run a bubble bath.

Once you’ve undressed, lead your lover to the bathroom for a prelude to the passionate lovemaking that is bound to follow.

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