Scared She's Gonna Cheat? Here's How to Keep Her Interest

First off: a warning.

This isn’t one of those cheesy warnings at the top of an article that’s meant to grab your attention. This one is to be taken with the utmost sincerity and importance. If the subject of this article is something you fear, then we’ve revealed one of your insecurities.

It’s fine, don’t freak out on me, let’s just acknowledge it. EVERYONE in the world has insecurities. As we study seduction it’s important to familiarize ourselves with this word: insecurity. We have to be AWARE of our own insecurities, and eventually gain awareness of others. It’s an integral part of the art form.

Now, let’s talk hippy-dippy magnetism. I don’t spend too much time reading books like The Secret, but the basic concept goes something like this: the energy you put out is the energy that comes back to you. While it may not be literally true in every way, it could very-well effect you.

If you’re worried a woman is going to cheat on you, she may begin to pick up on that. For example, you might check in with her too much. Thereby smothering her and appearing needy. This very behavior may then cause your prophecy to self fulfill. Annoyed with your neediness, she finds herself in the arms of another man. Perhaps she will sleep with a bad boy type who she knows won’t display the type of behavior you have sickened her with.

If that sounds like your exact nightmare, don’t worry. There is a solution here:

Step 1: If you don’t want to push her to cheat, you need stop thinking that she is going to cheat. Take a deep breath and relax.

Step 2: Taking care of all her needs. The main reason a woman seeks another man is that she isn’t getting something she needs out of the guy she is committed to.

What kinds of needs does she have? Are you there for her? Do you pay attention to how she feels on a regular basis? Do you make an effort to make sure her days are emotionally pleasant?

What about on an intellectual level? Many women enjoy a man who can stimulate their mind. Have you been reading any books lately? Have you learned anything new by watching a good documentary? Do you know the topics she finds intellectually stimulating? Have you had a conversation with her about those things recently? Are you growing as a person?

How about on a physical level? To be good at sex, you have to practice. She is the perfect person to practice with. Do you have an open line of communication in the bedroom? Are you studying, working hard, and practicing to please her? If you suck at sex and aren’t making an effort to get better, why shouldn’t she seek out another source?

As long as we are talking communication, how is it outside the bedroom? Many couples communicate in terrible ways that include passive aggression, suppression of anger, secrets and lies, and more! Cut this crap out. You have to have healthy communication to have a healthy relationship.

Another big tip is to make sure you show her that you appreciate everything that she does for you. Think about what ways she enhances your life? Make an effort to let her know on a regular basis. Make it clear she is loved. Leave no doubt.

Before you commit yourself to anyone, hopefully you screened that person carefully. Women with good communication skills and high self esteem are less likely to cheat. Trust and forgiveness also go a long way, so if she has lots of that you’re in luck. If she is short in these areas, then you’re going to have to step your game up a bit by being even more loving, praiseful, and affectionate whenever possible. Try to subtly help her build both her communication skills and self esteem. Develop trust in the relationship. Show a strong lead by forgiving her misdeeds.

This all applies to you as well.

Do you remember step 1? When you first began reading this article you revealed self esteem and trust issues. Maybe someone hurt you in the past. Maybe you heard a really horrible story from a friend. Whatever the cause, let that go. You can’t hold onto that negative baggage and not expect to to have a negative impact. Drop the unneeded weight you carry and start fresh.

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