Why Writing is a Key to Getting Women (Strange, but True)

Field reports are one of the best tools you can use to improve at seduction. If you’re unfamiliar, field reports are journal-like entries that a student writes after each night out in the field. Generally, they’re posted on a forum, like Stylelife’s Elite Forum, or kept in private journals. Follow these few tips to maximize the benefits of writing field reports:

1. Describe women, don’t use numbers.

Most student’s entries into seduction are through Neil Strauss’s The Game. In this book, he includes several field reports. In those field reports, women are put on a number system like “She was a 9” or “she acted like a 10.” Because of this, all the new students write out their field reports using this same number system. It’s problematic. There are a million reasons that you shouldn’t refer to women as numbers, but as far as field reports go, you want to get used to actually describing the women you meet with words. As a seducer, the ability to describe beauty when you see it will be important, field reports are a great place to start.

2. Use them as a writing exercises.

Being a decent writer is important for seduction. With field reports, you can spend some time working on grammar, improving your vocabulary, and describing situations in more detail. Over time, as you continue to write field reports, your language skills will improve. Since much of seduction is based on language, improving language skills will make you a better seducer.

3. Use them to get help.

One of the most important reasons to write field reports is to get feedback from peers and coaches. The easiest way to get feedback from The Sneak or I is to post a field report on the Elite Forum. We’re on the forum every single day helping guys out. If we miss the field report, just write us a private message, and let us know what you want us to look at. Be sure to include some questions you have in the field report and as much detail as possible so that we can more effectively help you.

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