9 Questions to Define Your Fashion Persona

In our last post on proper suit selection, we described the differences in more dressy attire. But many guys wrote in and said they didn’t even know how to begin with overhauling their wardrobe. There are tons of lessons and missions on this always-informational topic in Stylelife. But for a quick overview, here’s what you need to know.

Here’s an important question: Who are you?

When a woman notices you and sees your fashion sense it ought to communicate certain values to her. What you wear ought to be an introduction to the book of you. This introduction must be intriguing enough for her to want to read your book cover to cover. Choose wisely and you are on your way to a bestseller. Like the movie quote I opened this article with, you need to spend some time figuring out who you are before you invest in a new wardrobe. After all the point of your wardrobe is to communicate your best qualities. If you don’t know them then you damn well cannot convey them to women.

Take some time with this concept. Sit down and make a list of interesting and high value qualities that you would like a woman to know about you. Consider some of these points when compiling your list:

1. What are your hobbies, down time activities, or past times?

2. What’s your favorite genre of music?

3. What era do you find yourself most inclined to aesthetically or ideologically the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s or 80’s?

4. Do you have a favorite art medium, artist, or art movement?

5. What do you do for a living?

6. What are your passions or dreams?

7. Who are your gurus in life? (historical figures, authors, family members, etc.)

8. What is your spiritual alignment?

9. Are you well traveled?

Those are just a few guideline questions to aid your brainstorm but this list can go as far in depth as you desire. After you define some of these points then begin to think, “How can I subtly convey these interesting points about myself with my clothing and accessories?”

As you begin to answer this question with your wardrobe then you are DHVing yourself to a woman without words but merely by entering a room.

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