Halloween Tips

As promised, here are some Halloween Seduction Tips from our top coaches Evolve and the Sneak:
3 Tips to Getting the Ghoul, erm, Girl, on Halloween:
1. Choose your costume wisely.
Halloween allows you to be whatever you want for one night. If you’re just learning to be a seductive person, then you should take this opportunity to dress like one. James Bond, Zorro, or Westly from Princess Bride are great choices for seductive costumes.
The other option is something highly touchable – something fuzzy and soft that women can get their hands all-over. We suggest Cushzilla Adult Pajamas.
And finally, here’s one more idea for you guys who are really physically fit. Don’t do what the other jacked guys are doing out there dressing like Leonidas from 300, or some other shirtless macho man. Instead, go the other route – something nerdy or cute – Urkle or Screech. The juxtaposition between your physical prowess and the nerdy harmless demeanor can be powerful and seductive.
2. Don’t drink too much.
The alcohol will be flowing and for those of you who drink, it’ll be easy to get so drunk you go blind. You don’t want to waste a night of endless pick up opportunities for a few extra drinks.
My suggestion is to drink lightly and go out early for several reasons:
Go out early to meet people before they’re drunk. By the time the rest of their friends arrive you’re already in conversation and have opportunities to meet their friends as well.
Don’t buy any drinks, meet people, and let them get you drinks. People tend to be more charitable on holidays – If you go out and start socializing at the beginning of the night, you’ll end up with a few people buying you drinks.
If you meet a group of girls and they want to get completely trashed then start changing venues often and get them water at each bar. Taking the lead is always a demonstration of value, taking care of them is another one, but keeping them from getting too drunk is important for what happens at the end of the night.
3. Disqualify, Disqualify, Disqualify
This is the most important thing you can remember about Halloween and seduction. Opening is easier, because everyone is in costume. However, you still have to be the exception. This means that as soon as you open, you have to disqualify yourself or her. Disqualification is a technique you use to create attraction between you and the person you’re seducing, by pushing them away.
Here are a few that you can use for Halloween – and let us know any tips you might have in the comments:
  • That costume is great; I have a friend who’d fall in love with you on first sight if he saw you wearing it.
  • Your costume kind of makes me hate you.
  • I’m telling you right now, I don’t care if you are wearing almost nothing, it’s not going to work on me.

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