3 ways to improve your conversation

Most men who have problems thinking they will “run out of material” with women actually have a deeper problem. It’s not that they don’t have much to say, but rather that they simply haven’t spoken to many people. Usually they just talk to very close friends, and when they do it’s about topics that are so individualistic (computers, games, being bored, etc.) that they have no clue as to what goes on outside their small universe. 

To be able to communicate better we need to absorb more of what life has to offer besides merely concentrating on pick-up and seduction. Otherwise, we become “pick-up zombies” whose lives cannot function outside of the seduction frame, and this will reveal itself in our communication. Or, lack thereof.

To avoid that trap, and to make conversations flow more naturally, here are some things for you to try:

1. Talk randomly to about 10 people each day. You should especially include strangers that you don’t have a reason to be attracted to. A policeman, the guy who makes your coffee, somebody in line at the bank. If you can’t have a normal, casual, non-intended conversation with just about anybody, why would you do better with a beautiful woman? Don’t just think, “I can already do this.” Make speaking to random people a habit.

2. Make a list of about 10 really bad things that have happened to you. Then, look for humorous ways in which you can say there was a good thing about it. For example: “One time I was served dog meat while traveling. When I found out what I just ate, I was sick for one week straight. However after that I feel like I have a closer connection to my dog at home!” The idea is to develop a sense of twisting things around in a fun way to keep a woman interested in your life experiences with optimism, humor and wit. Here are two ideas:

I told somebody that this particular woman was a nymphomaniac. I didn’t know I was speaking to the nympho’s sister!
 I decided it would be fun to liven up the school play one year. I was portraying Jesus in the Easter special and I started break dancing on the floor. I didn’t know my mom was watching from the audience and boy did I need divine intervention then!

3. Learn and memorize random facts about life, psychology, nature, science, theories about the unknown, etc. and come up with implications of your own on how these apply to present life. No knowledge is useless. This will give you elements to spice up conversations and show yourself as a person that can make almost poetic connections between life and immediate reality. If you can do that, many times a woman will infer you are a person she can make a connection with.


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