Cheat Sheet for you to print out

Neil might be married now, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t use Game anymore. Any guy who thinks otherwise is clearly not married. In fact, one of the most important things that I’ve learned during my time in the Game is that it applies to just about every human aspect of human social interaction.
However, there’s a structure involved. When you master this structure, you’re going to be able to get what you want out of life, whether it’s a the perfect woman’s phone number or closing the sale. And below you’ll get a the structure of the game in it’s shortest most potent form: a cheat sheet for you to print. This is priceless for newbies, but even if you are advanced and have a lot of experience, it’s good to refresh your memory.

Here it is:


1. Open

Opening is exactly what it sounds like: This is when you approach and start up a conversation with women. You’re trying to pique her interest, get her curious about who you are and have her listening to whatever you have to say next. You’re making her comfortable in conversation – this is where it all begins.  What You’re Doing Here: The main thing you’re doing here is building a foundation. If you can’t make a connection that piques her interest and has her curious about who you are right away, no demonstration of higher value is going to work to help you seal the deal.

2. Demonstrations of Higher Value

Demonstrations of higher value are things you do that make you appear confident, interesting, exciting and sexy. You don’t need to actually think that you are any of these things. Rather, you can engage in behaviors that make you appear that way; If you believe that you are, all the better. What You’re Doing Here: This where you really start making attraction happen. You’re telling stories about who you are and maybe even saying things that shock her a bit. This is also where you engage in push and pull — you push her away to pull her back into. You’re starting to create sexual excitement and tension. If you don’t have that going for you, your emotional connection is going to land you right in the friend zone.

3. Creating an Emotional Connection

Creating an emotional connection is how you get a girl looking for you at a bar when you’ve walked away to talk to your friends. This is how you get her to seek you out when you’re not around; how you have her thinking about you the morning after the two of you meet. Want her to text you in the middle of the night when she’s feeling lonely? You’re going to have to create an emotional connection. What You’re Doing Here: This is where you start using Evolve’s identity stories to connect. You don’t just want to list facts about your life. You want to tell her who you are, how you became that way and what’s interesting or important to you about it. Then you want to give her a chance to do the same. Don’t just go silent and wait for her to talk. Try and tease out her answers to learn more about her and show interest. A lot of men don’t do this and you can easily and quickly start setting yourself apart from the rest of the pack by being the guy who not only has stories to tell about himself, but is also interested in the stories she has to tell.
This kind of emotional connection is absolutely necessary to make a woman feel comfortable when the time comes to seal the deal.

4. Call to Action / Create Physical Connection

Here is the key: You want to be the guy she can’t stop thinking about. You want her to fantasize about being kissed and touched by you, before it even happens! So when the time comes you both mutually escalate physically and get more and more intimate. With just a few minor pointers you can seriously bring your game to the next level, never end up in the friend zone. Physical contact must always be consensual and informed. The good news is that in doing so you and she always know where you stand. And it’s actually more effective than just blindly moving forward.

Let’s talk about this concept of “permission-based.” Think about it conjunction with firms or companies that you might follow online. When you want to hear from them, you give them permission to email you. You opt in. Being physical with a woman proceeds in a similar way. You never just grab her in order to make physical contact. You ask her for permission to proceed. “Do you think you know yourself well?” you can ask. “Let’s do a palm reading and I’ll tell you things about your personality that you might not realize. May I have your hand?” Then if she wants to, go into your palm reading.

Again, keep things simple. Break things down into steps so that it isn’t quite so intimidating. Move from the simple touching to something more advanced like a shoulder rub.

You also can make it easy by saying something like, “You look really tense, would you like me to give you a shoulder rub?” The key to avoiding sleaze is gauging her reaction. Look at her face and her physical reaction to your massage. Listen to what she says. Her reaction will tell you everything that you need to know when it comes to knowing whether or not you’re doing it right.

Once again, pause, and gauge her response. You job is to make her want to kiss you. If she wants she will let you know.

Print it out and put it into your wallet. Or alternatively save it on your smart phone. That way you can remind yourself of the big picture whenever you want or need it.