The Game Today Video

The definition, the study, and the teaching of “the game” has changed dramatically since The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss was published in 2005. Since that time, Strauss has gone deeper. Much more personal, much more holistic, much more focused on improving your mindset and ways of thinking.

At our recent Master Class, we shot some very low-tech video that we use as sort of a “coaches tape” way of reviewing our events and making things better. As we reviewed the footage, it dawned on us that many people would be surprised by what Neil and Stylelife teach today. Some people are stuck in the 2005 version of game, hung up on wacky outfits and magic tricks. Those folks would be surprised at the sincerely deep aspects of personality examination and improvement that we focus on today.

So Neil decided to post a few segments of the Master Class footage, so you can see the game as it exists for us today. Check out the link below to view this video of what we’re teaching these days.

Neil Strauss on The Game Today

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