The Most Comprehensive List of Sticking Points: Is Your Dating Problem on Here?

The Stylelife coaching team recently worked with our student body to conduct a thorough examination of the sticking points that hold people back in the field.

If you’re new to the area of social artistry, a “sticking point” is a hurdle or obstacle, that you just can’t seem to move beyond. Everyone has one, even the best pickup artists in the world. They all still have sticking points. The key is to identify yours and then bust through it.

Anyway, based on the input of people from all over the world, we ranked your sticking points in order of most common to know which sticking points are the biggest problems you’re facing in the field.

Here are the 3 BIGGEST and most common sticking points:

Not opening sets because of crippling approach anxiety.

Getting stuck at some point after the opener and using material that doesn’t create attraction and connection.

Not being able to physically escalate.

Identifying the “BIG 3” is only the first step to curing them. In the past few weeks we’ve worked to break down the field reports you sent in. As mentioned in various emails, Neil put us on a special project: we found and tested the perfect deadly combination to smash all three biggest, most common sticking points into tiny, gooey, has-been sticking point mush.

We code named this new weapon: “Style’s Sticking Point Destroyer Kit”

It’s not to be trifled with: Guys with crippling approach anxiety can become approach machines within 2 days of putting the kit to use. Guys getting stuck after the opener or with their routines not creating any attraction melt away within 4. By the end of the week, kino escalation flowsnaturally and easily. Over the last week we tried it out some of our newest students and it’s worked wonders. Here is where you can learn more:

Destroy Your Sticking Points

Comprehensive Sticking Point Compendium

Is your sticking point on here?

1. EARLY GAME -> APPROACH ANXIETY: Not opening sets because of crippling approach anxiety.
2. MIDDLE GAME -> NO ATTRACTION/ CONNECTION: Getting stuck at some point after the opener and using material that doesn’t create attraction and connection.
3. LATE GAME -> NO KINO ESCALATION: Not being able to physically escalate.

Additional prevalent sticking points:
4. The Friend Zone Trap
5. Can’t Number Close
6. Ejecting too Early
7. Not getting Day Two’s with women
8. Getting the girl to qualify and pursue you
9. Bad/No text game
10. Building comfort
11. Phone game, including getting her to answer your calls
12. Handling AMOGs coming into set
13. Not knowing how to calibrate or read IOIs to determine attraction
14. Managing expectations after sex/kiss close
15. Opening moving sets
16. Not able to neg
17. Transitioning topics/routines
18. Showing interest to the target
19. Day Game
20. Coming up with spontaneous material
21. Getting stuck in a negative frame of mind while out
22. Locking into a seated set
23. Handling rejection
24. Disarming/winning over obstacles in a set
25. Mind blanking while in set or when approaching
26. Getting out of your head while sarging. (Including worrying about your looks, age, wealth, etc.)
27. Not finding the energy to go out.
28. Running out of things to say.

One Comment on “The Most Comprehensive List of Sticking Points: Is Your Dating Problem on Here?”

  1. This is a very good sticking point list. I guess most newbies or ppl that are not regular fight with AA, handling rejection, notbeing able to #close and not even going in day 2’s with women. I seem to struggle with some of these when i stop sarging.
    Cheers style and co.!

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