5 Keys to Increasing Attraction in Your Relationships

Take a moment to picture yourself with the following woman… She has a radiant smile. She engages you in fun banter. The two of you to laugh together with ease. When you want to go out to a movie, concert, or some other form of entertainment, you immediately think of going with her. You love sharing
experiences with this woman.

She sounds nice doesn’t she? The attractive qualities you are responding to are her smile, laugh, banter, entertainment, and your shared experiences. These are the five vital keys that you can increase attraction in your relationships right away. Each quality that was described in the attractive woman above can easily be embodied by you…

Attraction Key #1: Your Smile
Never underestimate the power of a smile. Smiling is a classic social technique, no doubt…but it is still a micro-method that we need to be reminded of. After all, we aren’t looking at our face most of the time, so we tend to forget the default expression we are emitting. Remedy this condition by installing a mirror facing you at your desk, or another place where you spend a lot of time. Look into the mirror often and upgrade your expression.

Smile at yourself. It’s not vain. It’s social training.

Yes, sometimes life can get you down. For example, when watching the nightly news, the number of stories of people hurting people far outweighs the number of stories of people helping people. What does that do to your psyche? Your default state of mind? Your facial expressions? It brings you down.

It’s up to us to consciously seek out and choose positive, inspiring, and uplifting messages, mentors, and media. It’s up to us to bring smiles into our relationships with others.

A great smile emits from your eyes, not your mouth. Take the time to build a pleasant state of mind required to transmit warm, sincere smiles.

Attraction Key #2: Your Laugh
Laughter is the release of emotional tension. It’s a great way to manage the emotional ups and downs that sometimes occur in life. If you and your partner are laughing together, you will be much more likely to want to see each other again.

–Generate laughter by saying and doing funny things.
–Learn and tell jokes, riddles, and fun games.
–Fine tune your funny bone by listening to professional stand-up comedians. It’s fine to enjoy the performance, but you also need to be listening with a new set of ears now. Listen with your learning mind to model the comedian’s expressions, their word choice, their vocal intonations, their facial expressions and hand gestures.
–Be able to perform some short interpretations of your favorite stand-up comedy skits. If you are a professional comedian yourself, it’s improper to steal other people’s material, but if you are simply on a date, it’s fair game, and recommended.

Attraction Key #3: Your Banter
Banter is playful teasing. It’s a funny way of making personal jokes with your partner. Sometimes banter can even be potentially offensive, as you experiment with light hearted ridicule and mocking of your partner. As with most ventures, “No risk, no reward.”

Banter shows that you are not boring and you are willing to extend outside your comfort zone of politeness. It tests the limits of propriety with amusing role play, sometimes even imitating your partner, by exaggerating their mannerisms.

Banter is not serious; it injects a mood of silly levity into your interaction. If you have a romantic interest in your partner, you can sprinkle your banter with sensual innuendo. If your partner returns your banter with witty quips of her own, this is a good sign, keep the mood light and happy and
play along.

Attraction Key #4: Your Entertainment
Who is she going to call when she wants to have fun? When she is bored? When nothing else satisfies her? If you want her to call you, combine the aspects of smiling, laughing, and banter, and then mix in some customized activities that you and your partner enjoy together, you can reach a level
where you are entertaining each other to mutual satisfaction.

Different people are entertained by different activities, and after some quality time together, you will need to learn about your partner to see what entertains them best. Some options include:

–Music concerts. Are you both entertained by the same kind of music?
–Movies and theatres. Are you both entertained by the same genre of film?
–Art museums and galleries. Are you both entertained by the same kind of fine arts?

Explore these areas of common interest and turn them into fun and exciting adventures and bonding experiences. If the two of you are enjoying some of your favorite things, and enjoying the company of each other, each night you are together will definitely be a night to remember.

Attraction Key #5: Your Shared Experiences
The highest level of attraction is known as the peak experience. Shared exhilaration will burn a neural pathway that associates you with good times in her mind. Take her breath away. Find out what her thrill is and enjoy it together. Share a new thrill she has never had before. For example, give her a ride on the back of your motorcycle. Go parachuting together. Go surfing, snowboarding, or rollerblading.

With the keys Attraction, Rapport, and Romance on your Dating Key-Chain, you will be able to win her heart, mind, body and soul.

One Comment on “5 Keys to Increasing Attraction in Your Relationships”

  1. Hey guys, this is my second time I come on to this website. I’m finding a lot of juicy material, however, I want to be able to the learn more about the game. One of the girls that I know and am starting to fall in love with is under hypnosis by some asswhole who is constantly using the material in an unhealthy way for women. I’ve already tried the seduction moves and they worked amazingly, except, I want to completely get him off of her mind and win her over. Style, I’d appreciate the help. Thanks guys!

    -Michelle *aka: Big Mitch

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