Giacomo Casanova: Following in the Footsteps of a Legendary Man

The name Casanova is synonymous with seduction. Most people remember him as the great romancer who seduced women throughout Venice and the European world. Yet, Giacomo Casanova was much more than just a great lover; he was also a spy, an entrepreneur, a violinist, a famous duelist with both the pistol and the sword, a great gambler, and he was even considered one of the most powerful occultist in Europe. The list goes on. He was known all across Europe for his ways with women and his bacchanalian tendencies.

Casanova was born in 1725 in the city of Venice. He was the first child of two actors. At the time, actors were considered outcast and rarely had money. Casanova’s parents left with an acting troupe and put the young child in his grandmother’s care. In his autobiography, Casanova wrote that he didn’t speak until he was six and had constant nosebleeds. When Casanova was eight years old, his grandmother took him to a witch who she believed could cure him of his learning disabilities. He was placed in a box while naked as the witch cast spells on him and was told never to repeat what happened. If he did, she warned, all the blood from his body would drain out and he would die. Within the month Casanova began speaking, the nosebleeds stopped, and he learned to read. By the next year, Casanova’s parents placed him in the care of a priest known as Father Gozzi where he began his education and learned violin. It was here that he had his first encounter with the opposite sex when he was fondled by a girl named Bettina during a bath.

After graduating from the University of Padua with a degree in law, Casanova seduced two orphan sisters and lost his virginity at the age of 16 in a wild threesome.

While returning home from a wedding in Venice, Casanova met a senator named Senior Bragadin. A short while after boarding a gondola the senator had a stroke, a few moments later, after watching the doctors work on Bragadin, Casanova demanded that he became the senator’s only caretaker. Casanova pushed aside the doctors and took charge of the situation using the medical knowledge he received at the university. Bragadin recovered and several years later young Giacomo was admitted into his household.

Casanova had reached one of his early life goals, becoming part of the aristocratic upper class. With his newfound wealth and status, Casanova went on to seduce the whole of Europe and would eventually be known as “the world’s greatest lover.”

[box type=”shadow”] CASANOVA’S SECRET
“His method was simple,” Robert Green writes in his book The Art of Seduction, “upon meeting a woman he would study her, go along with her moods, find out what was missing in her life and provide it.” As far as seduction is concerned this is a powerful lesson. In fact, many gurus of our time would say that this is the underlying principle behind all seduction.

However, Casanova also had value far beyond the average person. In the seduction community we learn the DHVs, or demonstrations of higher value, are one of the key components of attraction. If we should learn anything from Casanova it’s to be a man who is constantly in the pursuit of knowledge and adventure, striving to learn more about his world, and improving himself constantly.[/box] [box type=”shadow”] DHV LIKE CASANOVA
Bad Boy: In 1755, Casanova spent five years in the Leads prison in Venice for committing adultery. Using an iron rod he found in the prison yard, Casanova dug his way through the floor and escaped from one of the most forboding prisons in Europe.

Pre-selection: By the time he died Casanova had slept with well over 100 women. He had traveled Europe and was known throughout these countries as an accomplished seducer who had slept with famous courtesans, royal family members, and nuns. It seemed that no one could resist his spell.

Alpha Male: The knowledge that Casanova acquired over his life time is sometimes hard to fathom. Casanova was a skilled duelist, with a sword and pistol who once defeated a man in a match to the death over a dispute about a the man’s wife.[/box]

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