Ready to Take the Stylelife Challenge 2014?

A Challenge from Style

If you meet beautiful women every day, but then, in the last moment before you approach, you don’t feel ready yet … If you thought many, many times about becoming better with women, but then didn’t feel the kick to do anything about it. If you lost all hope of ever going to arrive there, then signing up for the Stylelife Challenge 2014 will change your life. It’s absolutely free and here are the details and where you sign up:

Stylelife Challenge 2014

Participating in this challenge will mean that you learn and commit yourself to get a date in 14 days and win a very cool prize.

If you’re already doing moderately well with women (or if you’re a woman), you may be thinking: Well, what about me?

The answer: it’s time to give to charity 😉 we’ve received emails from hundreds of guys who are really in need: they have all the desire, but none of the results. Taking a newbie under your wing and sharing your knowledge will improve your own skills vastly. It will require you to see the Matrix much more clearly. So if you are a already master then help me help your friends that are not yet. Both the helping and the learning can boost your own game and motivation, especially the tasks that will come in the later days of the challenge. You can register here:

Stylelife Challenge 2014

See you at the races,

Style and the Stylelife Team

P.S. Note that the challenge won’t be starting for until January 2nd. We want to make sure you’re ready – and, also, that we’re ready with the materials, assignments, and structure to help you step up to the plate and into the game.

P.P.S. If you have holes in your game, then check out below how Style’s teaches the crucial 3 pillars of seduction here:

Stylelife 3 Pillars of Seduction

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